
The presented books are available as e-book and as printed version.

The NLT-Notation Method  (Note Lines Tablature) 

The publication „NLT-Notation – The NoteLineTablature“ presents a new system for the fingering-notation on fretted stringinstruments, featuring the tap-guitar as example.

This new system integrates score and tablature in one scoreline. It shall be an alternative to the conventional used two scorelines.

This new notationsystem is as far a dedicated explanation of the approach of Mathias Sorof to write down his own compositions, transcription and teaching stuff for guitar and tap-guitar.

That concerns his method for the tap-guitar as good as the publication of his compositions for tap-guitar, inclouding his recommended fingering.

Each publication of his method or compositions includes a short introduction with a explanation of the NLT-system in short form. The complete model of the NLT-Notation will be explicitly introduced in this actual publication.

In this publication the „NLT-Notation“ is detailed shown and illustrated by numerous pictures and score-examples.

The explanation of preliminary considerations in chapter 1 will be continued in chapter 2 by the introduction of the NLT-method.

Chapter 3 presents the basic principles oft he NLT-basic method.

Chapter 4 introduces the detailed advanced NLT-extension method.

Chapter 5 describes the general application of the NLT-method.

Chapter 6 explaines the special application using the examples of tap-guitar with different tunings.

Chapter 7 shows further possibilities fort he use of NLT-method in view of traditional styles of guitarplaying.

The last chapter 8 gives a little historical excursion about the developement of the tap-guitar.

The book is published as printversion in landscape format with spiral binding. A generous segmentation oft text and pictures as well as a comfortable page turning cause of the spiral binding enables an easy use.

Published by Tap & Scat records

Print-Version:       ISBN 978-3-947213-02-3

Price incl. shipping:   35 $ / 31 €

E-Book-Version:   ISBN 978-3-947213-03-0

Price: 18 $ / 16 €

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Method for 6-string tapping guitar – 10 Basic-Lesson-Tunes   

The publication „10 Basic-Lesson-Tunes for 6-string tap-guitar“ is a method for learning the basics of how to play the tapping guitar on your own or with a teacher. It is a course book with a new method for beginners to learn to play the tap-guitar. It was especially written and structured for the self study. This book gives a start into counterpoint-playing on tap-guitar. Both hands follow different challenges, similar to the playing of piano or accordeon.

The book first introduces to the special approach of playing on the tap-guitar. Topics are the right handling of the tap-guitar, the posture of the body, the tuning of the instrument as well as score-elements and concepts of practising will be vividly explained.

Futhermore the method is structured in 10 completeted Lessontunes, with a recommended „way of practising and a result at each end of a „lessontune“ .- a little piece of music.

Each „lessontune“ has two parts, called „The Way“ and „The Goal“. In the segment „The Way“ the exercises are buit up to figure out little steps and parts in view of the „Goal“. Additional mp3-files to each exercises are available as free download at

Every exercises and musicpieces are notated with a conclusive fingering, written down in „NLT-notation – the Note Line Tablature“ created by Mathias Sorof.

Every lessontune offers a special qualification for playing the tap-guitar, which can be used later and utilized for musical pieces of an own choice.

The method do not expect, that the beginner have to be a guitarist before. Knowledge about score is not presume, cause the tablature for himself is comprehensible by the digits for the fingering In this case it is helpful to use the audio-examples.

This method will initiate demand and curiosity for beginners to search for an own style of guitarplaying.

The book is published as printversion in landscape format with spiral binding. A generous segmentation oft text and pictures as well as a comfortable page turning cause of the spiral binding enables an easy use.

The book is also published as e-book-version in landscape format. The full monitor of pc or laptop can be comfortably used for the editing the pages.

Published by Tap & Scat records

Print-Version:  ISBN 978-3-947213-06-1

ISMN 979-0-700408-02-2

Price incl. shipping:  44 $ / 39 €

E-Book-Version:   ISBN 978-3-947213-07-8

ISMN 979-0-700408-03-9

Price:   25 $ / 22 €

Link to a reading extract

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